Stress, Anxiety, Depression and The Alpha Stim
Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression are two of the most prevalent mental health problems. The increased stresses of today's world can really take their toll. When some are not able to cope stress, anxiety and depression can ensue. In many cases, anxiety disorder can also lead to insomnia. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for mood disorders.
I always like to tell my patients that a secondary effect of any acupuncture treatment is stress/anxiety relief and relaxation. This is due in part by each acupuncture needle insertion. It has been proven that each acupuncture insertion released endorphins. This is a partial explanation of how acupuncture treats pain and you leave feeling very relaxed with stress and anxiety levels less.
When treating these ailments, I like to also use The Alpha-Stim. The Alpa-Stim is a microcurrent device that stimulates the brain to release serotonin. Alpha-Stim works by transmitting a unique, patented electrical waveform to modulate the cell's signals to return to baseline, normal functioning- significantly reducing stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia without medication and no side effects. Patients report a pleasant and calming feeling when using.
I always tell my patients... Acupuncture is more than just needles. I like to combine western and modern technology with the ancient art of acupuncture for optimal results. Combining acupuncture simultaneously with the Alpa-Stim produces immediate sense of calm and patients report having the best night's sleep that night.
If you would like more information on the Alpha-Stim, please visit their website:
or email me directly: